Cheerio AI

    One-time payment. Lifetime deal.

    Supercharge your marketing campaigns and customer comms with this all-in-one automation platform

    It’s hard to build lasting relationships with customers when you’re leaving them on read for days on end. (“It’s not you, it’s me and my 1,000+ unread inbox.”)

    Truth is, you don’t have time to manually toggle between different messaging platforms and reply to the same old questions again and again.

    If only there was an all-in-one marketing automation platform that helped you streamline customer comms and run multichannel campaigns via email, SMS, and WhatsApp.

    Say hello to Cheerio AI.


    too long didn't read
    Run multichannel marketing campaigns and respond to conversations via email, SMS, and WhatsApp
    Integrate with tools like Shopify and WooCommerce to automate conversations, abandon cart recovery, repeat orders, and more



    Cheerio AI is an all-in-one marketing automation platform that lets you automate customer communications across email, SMS, and WhatsApp.

    Cheerio AI lets you upsell, cross-sell, and encourage repeat purchases via email, SMS, and WhatsApp, so you can reach customers where they already are.

    Instead of writing a message from scratch, you can choose from a library of industry-proven templates—or you can generate new templates with the GPT-4 integration.

    Just upload a CSV file or sync your Facebook Ads Manager to import your audience, and then send bulk messages to spread the word fast.

    This platform also integrates with ecommerce tools like Shopify and WooCommerce, making it easy for you to gather more leads.

    Bulk messaging

    Connect with customers via email, SMS, and Whatsapp for business bulk messaging, all from one place.

    Even if you’re not a tech wizard, Cheerio AI makes it super simple to create chatbots using the in-house multichannel workflow builder. It also supports Google’s Dialogflow!

    Use this platform’s workflows to build chat automations on WhatsApp, so you can communicate with customers on autopilot.

    You can even create workflow automations that send drip campaigns on email and WhatsApp or target leads from Facebook or WhatsApp messages.

    Workflow automations

    Set up custom workflow automations for drip campaigns on email and WhatsApp.

    With Cheerio AI, you can tackle thousands of incoming WhatsApp messages from a team inbox and add agents for maximum transparency.

    Even better, you’ll be able to offload most of your query volume to a chatbot via automated workflows and redirect complicated asks to human agents.

    Plus, you can use canned responses and send response templates packed with images, videos, and attachments on WhatsApp.

    Team Inbox

    Handle all your business-related WhatsApp messages from one unified team inbox.

    Cheerio AI is packed with a GUI email builder that supports frames, HTML, and HTML5, so you can include tons of different email elements.

    Connect this builder with AI-based text editing or image generation tools to whip up dynamic email campaigns in a snap.

    Once they’re sent out, you can retarget customers with data-driven analytics and tailored messages to get more leads through your sales funnel.

    Email templates

    Send out email campaigns using industry-proven templates, or make your own with this email builder.

    Cheerio AI has everything you need to automate and streamline campaigns across email, SMS, or WhatsApp accounts—and drive more conversions.

    Optimize your customer comms with AI.

    Get lifetime access to Cheerio AI today!

    From the founders

    A message from Cheerio

    👋🏻 Hey there fellow Sumo-lings, it feels great to be on the other side, offering a product to the community, after benefiting from so many amazing deals out here on appsumo for years.

    I am Nishant, the founder of Cheerio AI⚡️, the only omni-channel marketing and support automation tool you will ever need. 🥳

    Cheerio AI offers super simple, no code and frills free bulk email, sms and WhatsApp for business solutions so that you can send promotional messages to your customers and ramp up that repeat revenue fast. 📢 🔊

    🤩🤩 As part of this deal we are offering unlimited contacts management forever, because honestly limiting contacts is just annoying. For email you'll get additional balance every month. 💌

    For WhatsApp and sms you get our support to set it up.

    Now that you've shot promotional campaigns, your customers are bound to have questions and will reply to you, which is why we have best in class team inbox feature for your support teams that can handle replies sent on WhatsApp to your business like a pro. ?🧲

    👨🏻‍💻Truth be told we don't want you to spend a minute away from building your product and that's why we bring amazing automation features that can help you create drip campaigns, automate replies and reminders by setting up sequences, or chatbots one time with our workflow builder.

    Our customers have seen repeat revenue increase by an average of 56% 💰 after they started using Cheerio AI and I am sure you will see that uplift too.

    In case you manage multiple businesses as an agency, we have got multiple workspaces for you to work with.📁🕴🏽

    As a growth product manager with 9 years of experience, I have struggled for years to find a tool as good as Cheerio AI to build omni-channel retention, and I am sure this will definitely help you achieve your customer loyalty goals.

    May the CLTV be with you! ⚡️

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